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Channel Integrations

Which marketing channels does GrowthSpot supports for integration?

You can integrate Google Analytics, Facebook Ads account and Google Ads account.

How can I link up those marketing channels with my GrowthSpot account?

1. Login to GrowthSpot and click “Channel Settings”

2. Select channels you want to connect your data sources to GrowthSpot

3. Allow Growthspot to view your channel data.

4. Select your account. Click “Connect” button.

5. Done! The status of Google Analytics account will be shown as “CONNECTED”. You will see your corresponding business data. 

How can I unlink channel with my GrowthSpot account?

We are sorry to see you go. You may follow these steps to do so.

1. Log in to your GrowthSpot account

2. Click “Channel Setting” on the left panel

3. Click “Unlink this account” under the channel box. Confirm it by clicking “Unlink”

When I login the platform, I would see the Business Overview Dashboard showing “-”. Is that normal?

Yes, that is because you haven’t connected your accounts (Google Analytics / Google Ads / Facebook Ads) to GrowthSpot, our dashboard is unable to display the numbers for you. Connecting your accounts now resolve your problem.

What does it mean by the display of “$0.00”, “0.00%” & “-” on the metrics of conversions, conversion rate and cost/conversion?

For the “Conversions” and “Conversion Rate”, if you see “$0.00” and “0.00%” respectively, it means there are no conversion yet in the selected data range;

while for “Cost/Conversions”, you may see “-” when there are no conversions and therefore system is unable to calculate the Cost Per Conversion.

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